Иван Семенов
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cos - прилежащего к гипотенузе
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1,455 hrs on record
last played on May 16
111 hrs on record
last played on May 16
64 hrs on record
last played on May 15
mjor 5 hours ago 
Normally I dont even have to write a comment, but this kid is a complete arsehole and cancer, he is unreliable, the game is unplayable, you can kick him wherever you see him. Or you can easily ip ban. (If you have a disease, add me, I'm sorry, I would like to help. Because thats not normal.)
Gigan Balon 6 hours ago 
Тупо долбоеб, ломает игру: тимкиллер, суицидник. Пытается дешево разжигать. Чушпан.
Sinister 17 hours ago 
Russians are the lowest form of life XD So ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ disgusting
Sinister 18 hours ago 
i was going to say something mean but then i saw you are a fu.cking russian... Nothing i can say to you is worse than that.. fu.cking disgusting mate.
Zero Two May 10 @ 7:17am 
zalán May 7 @ 2:45pm 
go defend ur country russian hacker